Caginec Sunset

Croatian sunset

It was passed eight o'clock in the evening when my husband told me that we need to go in the supermarket to buy something for "pasalubong" to Philippines. Pasalubong is tagalog word and a Filipino tradition of a presents or a "homecoming gifts"  for a relation or friend brought by a traveler returning from a trip. And since I was in vacation I also prepare to buy presents or gifts from Croatia.

While we were heading on the way to the supermarket one thing that caught my attention while we were inside the car, the sunset! I like this kind of scenery of the sun and sky as it was going to say good night to the whole Ivanič-Grad. I looked for the exact place to capture the sunset as my husband drove to the way to the supermarket. Then, there was vacant lot and perfect for the location to captured the moment. 

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