Diniwid Beach

Diniwid Beach, Boracay, PH

Diniwid Beach, Boracay, PH

After we've visited the Puka Beach, our ride with motor bike continued to Diniwid beach. 
Diniwid Beach is located on far end of the island close to White Beach station 1.  The sands may not be a powdery white as the main white beach. Diniwid beach is one of the quiet side of Boracay where you can find peace and serenity because it is secluded and not so many people used to visit in this area. However, there are also some hotels are also located here. 
As we walked through, i've seen some rock formations along our way. A small cave is quiet inviting us at the end of the beach. Inside the cave, a small altar is placed. A small cave also has the entrance to the other side of the beach and a cemented path directly towards the White beach. 

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